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  Author and American Historian

Meanwhile, remember the bestselling author of  THE  ADMIRALS with...


Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the

Many Brothers aboard the USS Arizona

Little, Brown, 2019, 352 pages

Paperback (11/23/2020), Audio and E-book formats

The surprise attack on the United States fleet on December 7, 1941, has never been told through the eyes of the seventy-eight brothers serving together aboard the battleship Arizona. In an era when family members serving together was encouraged, sixty-three of the Arizona’s 1,177 dead were brothers. Integral to their story are the parents, wives, and sweethearts who worried over them.

“Borneman provides not only a unique frame of reference on the day of infamy, but a rich portrait of America in 1941.” — Craig L. Symonds

“The moving and unusual angle, excellent research, and the prose’s clarity and emotion make this one a winner.” — Publisher’s Weekly

Coming soon...


Borneman returns to his roots in the West and takes on its challenges since World War II.

The issues that defined this region over the prior century—transportation, natural resource extraction, scarcity of water, and perennial fights over land use—continued to be paramount after 1945, but with a new urgency driven by technology, population increases, and environmental awareness. A reckoning is coming. Whatever happens will in no small measure be strongly influenced—just as in the past—by both the bounty and the constraints of the land.
