Meanwhile, remember the bestselling author of THE ADMIRALS with...
Pearl Harbor and the Fate of the
Many Brothers aboard the USS Arizona
Little, Brown, 2019, 352 pages
Paperback (11/23/2020), Audio and E-book formats
The surprise attack on the United States fleet on December 7, 1941, has never been told through the eyes of the seventy-eight brothers serving together aboard the battleship Arizona. In an era when family members serving together was encouraged, sixty-three of the Arizona’s 1,177 dead were brothers. Integral to their story are the parents, wives, and sweethearts who worried over them.
• “Borneman provides not only a unique frame of reference on the day of infamy, but a rich portrait of America in 1941.” — Craig L. Symonds
• “The moving and unusual angle, excellent research, and the prose’s clarity and emotion make this one a winner.” — Publisher’s Weekly